Hello list, Data has been entered into foo.epx. Some data could not be entered as values were outside accepted range.
Thus, we have to revise foo.epx . How should foo.epx be revised in EpidataManager?
-> Answer: All data are preserved once entered - except obviously if you delete a given entry field. So You just open the foo.epx and adapt the range in the specific field as you desire.
Quite often it is a good strategy to enter say 5 or 10 data sheets (records) into a newly created project file, since expectations of desired level of control often requires changes - despite thorough planning - after trying with the "real data".
Once the final form has been attained I would then create a copy of the "pilot phase project file", which will then be an empty file, where you can enter all data (including the 5-10 used in the pilot).
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Assocation