Using: Test version EpiData Manager: v1.5.0.10
3 NOENTER fields: id1, length 5, integer id2, length 5, integer id3, length 5, string
1 MUSTENTER field serno, length 4, integer
In the field serno I type in SCRIPT, AFTER ENTRY:
id1 := serno; DEFINE id2Temp: integer; id2Temp := serno+1000; id2 := id2Temp; id3 := string(serno);
Result in EpiData Entry Client: id1: correctly done id2: correctly done id3: nothing done (except a "." written into the field)
I cannot get strings working, neither from string to string nor (as above) trying to transform an integer to a string. I tried different ways, nothing worked. Consulting the Wiki was not revelatory.
Dates constructed from date components (with 1 or more components set to missing, and then making approximations) also work impeccably.
Floats not yet tested.