Hi Pedro.
Thank you for the feedback, this is what I am thinking:
- Make the default "copy to clipboard" setting = "%q: %d %v \n", at least
for me it is more reasonable.
It is possible to define the format in program settings, which has a few predefined formats, but you may create you own. Whatever setting you choose will be saved in the configuration file.
- Tested with \t but tab makes the questions less line up after pasting at
The \t just inserts a tab character into the line, so if you eg. have a very long text and a very short text these two will not nessesarily align. Just as with any other word program.
- When there is fields such as sex, where there is a value such 1 or 2,
and a value label, such as Male and Female, the setting above will paste something like "Patient sex: 2 female" which is a little weird, mainly for those who later will read the medical record and are not awere these came from dataentry codes. Is it possible to make a setting code to omit the field value if a value label is available?
Perhaps a additional specifier like "%l" which uses a label if the field uses a value label, and displays the data if no valuelabel is used. That should be possible.
A major problem...
I tested the copy to clipboard function and it seems it may work fine only with the current record, not yet saved. When I go back to saved records and try to run "copy to clipboard" from these records an error comes:
"Access violation. Press ok to ignore data corruption. Press cancel to kill the program."
This is odd, I have tested several times with existing data, eg. the sample file.
Would it be possible for you to email me the affected project file? Or else can you create a new project where this happens ?
Kind regards, Torsten Bonde Christiansen EpiData Association.