You can also do this from EpiData itself. On the Epidata menu, choose Tools, Copy Structure. This creates a new empty .rec and there is an option to copy the .chk as well. This is especially good when you don't want to change anythings. Then Tools, Qes file from Rec file to make a new .qes, or just open the .qes file, make your changes and save it with the name you used when you copied the structure. You can easily put them all in a different folder at the same time. Jamie Chris wrote:
I will be conducting a survey study very similar to one I've done before. I want to use the same datafile structure: the questions, datatypes, and checks will be nearly identical. Is there an easy way to produce a new set of .rec, .qes, and .chk files, replicas of the old ones, but with no records? Then I can make some small modifications before entering the new data. I'd hate to half to do it all again from scratch.
Thanks. --Chris