Over the next months development will focus on replacing basic functionality of current EpiData Entry - advanced aspects will be covered after this.
Users will ask: can we import all old rec+chk files and save to chk+rec files from the new system ? - the answer is: The new system will be able to read all single files and basic checks, whereas complex systems will not be directly convertible, e.g. systems with relate or many calculations in "after entry" blocks. The new system will in the end contain the same functionality, but in modernised way, where the simple types (e.g. mustenter, legal, range etc) are very easy to define, and complex and rarely used ones come in only for experts.
The essense is to be highly focused on the niche for EpiData Software: simplicity and focus on data quality. But do so in view of current demands for data documentation, open standards, transparency btw. operating systems.
Priority in the next 6 months will be given to conversion to the new principle for: a. simple projects with only one data form. b. simple projects only applying basic controls of entry (value labels,legal, range, mustenter ....) c. import rec+chk and dta files for addition to or definition of data forms/structures d. import a single rec+chk file or dta file with data and revise structure - and save again with data. e. entry of data with a new dedicated entry client f. adaptation of analysis such that the new file types can be read
Users will - via this list - be asked for specific testing as we go along.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association