Dear Jean-Marie.
We have deliberately chosen to make the programs behave the way it does, concerning the mouse.
The reason behind this, is that in most scenarios a user creates a database, based on a questionnaire. This questionnaire has a well defined flow (usually top-left to bottom-right), perhaps with some diversion, eg. skipping some fields if it makes no sense to enter based on previous values.
This flow is the same we wish to keep in Manager and EntryClient. And if a user the have to use the mouse, this is typically because an error has been made. Hence the use needs to exit the current field, without any validation is done and script is run. This was actually a flaw in the old EpiData Entry program, where the flow was not well defined. That is, if a user clicked with the mouse the behaviour could lead to an error or even worse some undefined state.
Kind regards, Torsten Bonde Christiansen. EpiData Association.
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epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca skrev:
THANKS, This new functionnality is really very exciting! I made some tests and it's very easy to use.
A great improvment would be the activation of "before entry" and "after entry" action when the next field is directly selected using the mouse.
In modern UI, users tend to navigate from field to field using the mouse instead using the keyboard. Thus scripts are not fired if users use the mouse and it breaks the logic behind the scripts.
Best regards
Jean-Marie Chrétien CHU d'Angers - DRCI Cellule Méthodo/Biostat/Data Maison de la Recherche 4 rue Larrey 49933 ANGERS Cedex 9
2013/7/5 epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca
Excuses, I managed to send the former mail too early:
The EntryClient should be version: Program Version: r292 But there are as well versions for Linux, Mac and Windows.
Please experiment with these new principles and report.
The release of the experimental script version and the former announced public version release: 1.4.2 also indicates a break in development from now until beginning of September 2013.
But please keep discussing and asking questions on this list as they will be collected and handled - if serious also fixed before September.
The script language is explained here:
Wiki: http://epidata.info/dokuwiki/**doku.php?id=techdocs:**scripting:starthttp://epidata.info/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=techdocs:scripting:start
A few aspects are still not on the wiki, but will come within some days, e.g. the function now() returns the time at the point of invoking the function. Could be used e.g. to record the starting time of entering data into a new record. Other functions are also on the way such as IsNewRecord() - which will test if the current record has been saved. But please note that this in the experimental section, such that for specific names of functions always look in the wiki if a given function does not work or is not found.
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association
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