Thank you for the input.
These false virus alarms pose an increasing problem for software release outside of the large company level. So we could just state that "EpiData has to the best of our knowledge no virus or trojan's" - but this would block usage of EpiData Software in many settings, since many universities and organisations run automatic systems, which blocks "unknown software".
For instance the "mail pass view" site declared on the website that "we are quite sure there are no Trojan's, even though the commercial software tell this" (Example: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/mailpv.html )
So unfortunately we have to do something. We are considering these changes:
1. get a signed certificate stating what EpiData Association is. 2. move the epidata.dk site to a different webhost, which provides unique IP numbers. Some universities (e.g. our own local "sdu.dk") have a different scanning principle in which a shared site IP automatically blocks use of the software on all pc's in the university. Since I teach datadocumentation in sdu.dk I had entryclient, manager and analysis whitelisted, but it only helped about 2 weeks due to the "shared IP number problem".
3. As pointed out by Rafaelle Bataglia this is a problem for many other software outside large companies,
The larger virus companies have a service, where one may send exe files for detailed check. We have already done so, but there are so many companies selling anti-virus software, so we cannot possibly send to them all.
I am sure we will be discussing this in the future on this list, so all ideas and input are welcomed.
best regards Jens Lauritsen
On 29/09/18 11:18, EpiData development and support wrote:
Dear all,
I have scanned the new Windows exe file "setup.all." with Kaspersky and found no issues. Kaspersky also provide a free service to whitelist software on https://whitelisting.kaspersky.com/whitelist_program.
Furthermore McAfee Endpoint security reports the webplace epidata.dk safe to use and finds no threats when scanning the file setup.all.
However Microsoft Explorers "SmartScreen-filter" reports the program setup.all. with a generic security warning "This executable could harm the computer" and "SmartScreen-filter rapporterade att det inte är vanligt att det här programmet laddas ned och att det inte är signerat av utgivaren" translated to "The SmartScreen filter reported this executable to be an unusual download and the file is not signed by the provider".
This is described in https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17443/windows-internet-explorer-sma... and maybe creating a certificate could solve this IE problem? (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/uwp/packaging/create-certificate-pa...)
I hope this can be of some help. Seems though tat the download issue is restricted to Internet Explorers SmartScreen filter.
Best wishes,
Jonas Malmstedt
Jonas Malmstedt Munkedalsvägen 3 122 42 Enskede, Sweden 08-648 0838 (hem) +46 8 6480 838 (home) 070-758 6838 (mobil) +46 7 0758 6838 (cellular) 08-616 2893 (arbete) +46 8 6162 893 (work)
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Today's Topics:
- Re: New Epidata release due to virus problems
(EpiData development and support)
Message: 1 Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2018 23:30:40 +0200 From: EpiData development and support epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca To: epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca Subject: Re: [EpiData-list] New Epidata release due to virus problems Message-ID: 3F427002-FB73-4BCE-BC43-B3208A0DF684@epidata.dk Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
For all Epidata users. Unfortunately we made an error in the Manager version released a few days back. The error was that the yellow sign "do not use on production data only for testing" was shown (but it was not a test version) . We have therefore replaced the public release versions with a correct one today.
If you wish to use the "user specified installation" in Windows and use a new folder location please notice, that you must first uninstall a previous version, otherwise the new version will be placed in the same folder as previously. Use the uninstall.exe in the previous folder to uninstall.
A user have informed us that his anti-virus software declares all as virus free, which is correct. Unfortunately some systems claim a false positive warning. We are concerned about this and continue to seek solutions. Please comment on this issue, in particular if you have suggestions or possibility to assist.
Best wishes Jens Lauritsen Epidata Association
On September 26, 2018 7:53:44 AM GMT+02:00, EpiData development and support epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Excuses for the previous mail in Danish.
We have received reports of virus over the last months. All the signals are false, but obviously we are taking this as a serious matter.
Yesterday new versions were released which pass the tests at "virustotal.com".
The changes affect version control where now a simpler look up principle was implemented.
Please report any problems still remaining to this list or info (- at -) epidata.dk.
Jens Lauritsen Epidata Association Denmark
EpiData-list mailing list EpiData-list@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/epidata-list
EpiData-list mailing list EpiData-list@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/epidata-list