Dear all,
When I use this newest version of the manager( r525) using sample.epx, I encountered export issues in win7 and xp. I exported the sample.epx to SPSS file format, but SPSS gave me the warning: >Warning # 1151
A field to be read under the EDATE format is invalid. The field must contain day, month, and year separated by spaces, dashes, slashes, decimal points, or commas. Note that American style dates (month/day/year) can be read under the ADATE format. Command line: 21 Current case: 1 Current splitfile group: 1 Field contents: '201012/09/' Record number: 1 Starting column: 36 Record length: 8192
I checked the syntax in the sample.sps. The segment VL3 27-35(A) is not correct. It should be VL3 27-29(A) because the length of the field VL3 is 3 according to its field definition.
Similar field length issue occurred in exporting files to CSV format.
EpiData Manager Program Version: r525 Core version: r641 FPC Version: 2.6.0 Platform: i386-Win32 Filename: Q:\tmp\epidatamanager.\samples\sample.epx XML Version: 2 Field count: 34 Record count: 12
Best Regards, Richard Zhou 2012.12.23
At 2012-12-23 04:38:07,epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Dear all
A new version for testing was uploaded yesterday. The intention was that all issues have been adressed such that in the beginning of 2013 we can change the uploaded version to a general production version.
Please find the updated versions at http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php
Changes are as follows: Manager:
- Updated designer form (moved icons)
- Updated shortcuts on keyboard etc. to correct wiki.
- Simplified import and add structure to a single method.
- Pasting fields and sections is adapted to shift 20,20 pixels from
original position.
Export forms adapted for (hopefully) more intuitive action.
If you open EntryClient from within Manager the user is asked if
project should close and open in entryclient.
A new field attribute on automatic time fields to allow for three assets: set at new record, set on first save and save on update/edit
Recent files list is shared between Manager and EntryClient
Installation is now operating system specific and NOT dependent on java.
Please test in the following 1-2 weeks and in the first week of 2013 we will fix any reported issue before releasing this version as the next public release.
Regards and best seasonal wishes to all
Jens Lauritsen Torsten Christiansen EpiData Association, Denmark _______________________________________________ EpiData-list mailing list EpiData-list@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/epidata-list