Dear all
A new test build version of the EpiData Manager has been placed for download on http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php
The latest changes in Manager are: a. The value label editor has been completely rewritten. Including the way the editor is started. It now much resembles the entry principle. If you press the + button on the field property form, then a single value label for the current field is created or edited. If you wish to edit value labels in general use the manage button or the menu - tools.
b. Export to stata of epz files is now possible. Formerly only epx files could be exported
c. Pasting "as", e.g. as integer would create field names, that could not be read into analysis. This is fixed.
The changes above to manager (a) unfortunately means that we will have to exclude the windows 64 bit version for a while. After december 1st we will see if we can add that version again. However this should pose no problem to anyone just now, since windows 64 bit pc's can use the 32 bit windows version.
Regarding current EpiData EntryClient: It turns out that the default colour setting for the entry field is not very good in some windows installations. As soon as you have installed (unzipped) the entry client please make sure to change the colours to something you can see appropriately. This is done under "edit" and settings.
With the mentioned changes to Manager we are quite close to release as v1. If someone can assist on finetuning icons let us know.
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association