On Wed, Jul 06, 2011 at 01:12:03AM +0200, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Epidata is by far the best (and cheapest!) data entry program I've used in years. I use it for all my projects except for our large surveys for which we use opscan technology, and I recommend it when asked for recommendations. The seamless lay-out to check file to entry to export cannot be beat.
A colleague recently told me that there is now a free cloud-based entry system being used by epidemiologists. I can see that a cloud format would have advantages in certain contexts. He couldn't, however, remember what it's called. Are any others aware of such a program?
I've used surveymonkey[1] for some very small projects and looked at hosting lime survey[2] for a larger project. That said, I agree with Jens: what is needed is an analysis of needs and how different options meet different needs. Epidata is definitely easier and a better choice for most of my needs.
One idea that has been rolling around the back of my head is using the epidata XML file to create a web-based data entry system, e.g. converting the logic contained in the XML file to PHP or other code, creating a mysql database and importing the data into mysql. Then also exporting it all again back to an epidata XML file. Potentially epidata could then be used as a quick and easy way to create a web-based data entry system. Perhaps something to think about around version 2.0 (i.e. not right now).
[1] www.surveymonkey.com [2] http://www.limesurvey.org/
David --
David Whiting, PhD | Senior Epidemiology & Public Health Specialist tel +32-2-6437945 | mob +32-496-266436 | David.Whiting@idf.org
International Diabetes Federation 166 Chaussée de La Hulpe, B-1170 Brussels, Belgium tel +32-2-5385511 | fax +32-2-5385114 info@idf.org | www.idf.org | VAT BE 0433.674.528
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