In Epidata Analysis, you could do something like this for daily utilization for a whole week:
read thedatafile define aday <dd/mm/yyyy> global define sday #### global define avbed ###.#
aday = dmy(?Start day?,?Start month?,?Start year?) // allows you to set a start date // add an imif here to check validity of the start date
sday = 0 ? “Utilization for the week starting @aday"
count if (indate <= aday) and (outdate >= a day) ? “Beds used on @aday : @$count” sday = sday + $count aday = aday + 1
count if (indate <= aday) and (outdate >= a day) ? “Beds used on @aday : @$count” sday = sday + $count aday = aday + 1
// repeat last 4 steps 5 more times
avbed = float(sday)/7.0 ? “Average bed count for the week was #avbed”
Note that the 4 commands starting with count if could be used to define a cmd to simplify the program. You could also set aday this way to get the 7 previous days:
aday = today - 6
On May 28, 2014, at 6:08 PM, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Does anybody have a hint on how I can monitor utilization rate, i.e. how many beds are occupied each day, and average utilization rate per week?