See the EXAMPLE files in the EpiData folder: house.chk, person.chk, visit.chk
These show how relate works in EpiData Entry, and your files would seem to match them. In Entry, the relationship goes from
house --> relate to person --> relate to visit that is, multiple persons per house, and multiple visits per person.
In Analysis (as in Epi Info), the order is reversed:
read visit merge personid /file="person.rec" etc.
So your example should be
read second merge fiche /file=first
Bernard wrote:
I have a problem with “relate” for two related files (with merge command), and it’s OK with EPI INFO 6 (DOS)…
The key is “fiche”. I wrote these commands (I simplify) :
read “first.rec”
merge fiche /file=”second.rec”
and is written :
Non-unique key in: second.rec