Shavinder Sing attached a larger html file (77kb) and asked : ........................................
The Htm output file of Epi Analysis (build 122) behaves differently from the other htm files. I tried opening one htm file (after running a PGM in the Epi Analysis) in the Open Office 2.2, 2.3 (Writer) and Microsoft Word 2000, 2003, 2007. The data figures are visible. The outline of the tables is faintly visible in the white background. In the print out only data figures are visible, not table outline One has to individually select and choose the appropriate table outline from the table properties box (which is quite tedious for long reports). Is there any solution? I set table design=box. I also tried looking into the “epiout_w for any hint but no luck.
Is it not possible to have the same table output for printing, as it is visible in the Epi Analysis window after generating the report?
With regards, Dr. Shavinder Singh ........................................ I rejected the mail, since we do not want large attachments (some users are using slow modem lines). But the question is relevant. The output definitions in EpiData Analysis conforms to W3C standards of html and requires also knowledge of the use of css style sheets. The definitions and further description of how to handle this can be found in the document: http://www.epidata.dk/php/downloadc.php?file=epidata_analysis_output_definit...
The problem of the lacking frames described is related to the use of style sheets, which are files describing output. For use of output in external browsers users should experiment with: a. copying the style sheet files to an appropriate place b. including the style sheet information in the output file. These two set commands: set STYLE SHEET "D:\EPIDATASTAT\TEST\EPIOUT.CSS" set STYLE SHEET EXTERNAL ON/off
Simply: set style sheet external=off will secure that all styles are defined in the html output file.
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association