I already done this using a cut and paste. But unfortunately i experimented a crash of the manager if the number of field is too important. Jean-marie chrétien Clinical Research data-manager CHU ANGERS -FRANCE
Le ven. 26 févr. 2016 16:37, EpiData development and support < epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca> a écrit :
EpiData Manager: (2016/02/26 - 18:33:39)Program Version: r1286Core version: r1254FPC Version: 2.6.4Platform: i386-Darwin Is there a way to move a field inside a section if the field was created BEFORE the section? As it is if I forgot to create the section before am not able to drag-drop or cut-paste a previously created field into a newly created section. Manager v2.0.8.56 PhilipKenya
Please use the alternate email powiti@ampath.or.ke for any AMPATHplus communication---------------------------------------- Philip OwitiCell: +254 720 678625 skype/twitter: p_owiti Alternate email: powiti@ampath.or.ke ____________________________________ We must add life to years inasmuch as we endeavor to add years to life!
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