Dear Omar Bautista:
In the new analysis, this would be the grammar if you would wish to append the four files a.epx, b.epx, c.epx, d.epx and to sa ve them to a new file abcd.epx that you can then use henceforth:
cls; read "a.epx"; append !fn := "b.epx"; append !fn := "c.epx"; append !fn := "d.epx";
save "abcd.epx" !replace;
Best regards,
On 10-Apr-19 20:20, EpiData development and support wrote:
¡Thanks! Very well explained.
I'm now exporting the data from EpiData using STATA format, on separate files. And then handling some merge-append functions within R. I will record the commands to run them as a little R script to make it more automatic. At least, this is working. But it would be great, in a near future, to learn how to solve this automatic id problem within EpiData.