In the course of the next public release we are one step closer with the released test versions, just uploaded to: http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php
Since last test release all reported bugs should be removed and in particular the following has been added or modified:
Additions: - Show value labels and range as a "note" next to a field during entry. A new option applied with Manager. If you tick this option any range or value label will be shown next to the entry as a "note" during entry. This is controlled at the field level, but has a general option to have it set as default. To use it optimally you must set in EntryClient the option to show notes as "hints". The font for hint is specified in the operating system.
- Report formats: Reports have changed contents with a uniform and hopefully more informative design.
- Reports now use default browser. If you specify html as the format for output in reports the generated output will be shown in your default browser NOT as a particular window in Manager.
- Export Export to Stata was partially faulty.
Please test in particular the above changes, but also any other feature which you have found faulty in the previous test versions.
It is important now to get feedback on aspects which those doing testing finding "inappropriate" for a general production version. Please also comment on any inconsistency between various forms and btw Manager and EntryClient.
Jens Lauritsen & Torsten Christiansen EpiData Association