-----Message d'origine----- De : epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca [mailto:epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca] Envoyé : mardi 15 novembre 2005 21:14 À : epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca Objet : [EpiData-list] new to epidata: 2 questions
I'm fairly new to Epidata and have a couple of questions:
1 In the file manager, the check file I've created has "recovered file fragments" as the file type. Is that correct?
Recovered file fragments: Yes, this is normal, as Windows uses also the CHK suffix to name specific system files. Don't worry about it, as Epidata knows how to open these files. In case you want to open these files with an external text editor (to enter advanced check commands), right-click on the corresponding CHK file, select "Open with..." and browse to your favorite text editor (e.g. Wordpad, metapad...)
2 I've discovered I need to delete a number of variables from the data file. This seems straightforward since I can simply delete them from the .qes file and they will be deleted from the .rec file. What happens to the .chk file when I open the new .rec file with deleted variables? Will Epidata revise the .chk file by deleting the checks for variables that no longer exist?
No, variables will not be removed from the check file.
Here is what to do:
1st time you try to enter dada after the QES has been modified:
Revise data from revised revised QES file? (Yes)
The revised QES file will cause loss of data in these fields... (list of fields removed) click "Accept"
Then, warning displays: "Could not apply checks (...)" click Yes The CHK file opens on the left side of the screen, while a log file explaining where the detected errors are. Move (left) to the concerned area (ex: variable DATA1 has been removed. Go to the line containing checks for DATA1, and delete all lines from this block (from DATA1 to the last END of the block). You should also use the 'Find' feature to look for DATA1 within the whole chk file (in case other variables refer to it in their checks) and remove all DATA1 occurrences.
Many thanks for any help.
Richard Herrell NIMH
______________________________________________ Gilles DELMAS Institut de Veille Sanitaire Dept. Maladies Infectieuses, Unité infections entériques, alimentaires et zoonoses 12 rue du Val d'Osne 94415 Saint-Maurice cedex - France + 33 1 41 79 67 27 g.delmas@invs.sante.fr ______________________________________________