Today a public test version of rewritten Analysis was made available for Windows and Linux. (v0.8.4.0)
Test versions are available as packed archives from: http://epidata.dk/testing.php (at the bottom) Extract the files provided and maintain the folder structure.
We are rapidly approaching a version, which can be used in the management for real projects. But for a while still please only use for testing.
Start epidataanalysis (exe) and see help menu "Commands Overview". The file shown is commands.html . Also study the "How_to_adapt_your_pgm_file_to_new_EpiData_Analysis_format.pdf" found in the docs folder.
Our aim is to change as little as possible in the final syntax, but some changes are necessary due to demands when we write the software for more operating systems (currently Linux and Windows - Mac version will come).
The main changes to the command syntax are: 1. use ; at the end of a command in a pgm file 2. use := to give variables a new content . e.g. v1 := 10; 3. options are indicated with ! instead of /, e.g. freq v1 !cum ; means age !t; 4. filenames must contain extension, and enclosed in "projectmain.epx". 5. Similar aspects are grouped, e.g. list data; list variables; list datasets 6. Defining and editing variables, labels etc have a common structure: new var; edit var; drop var; 7. Many additions allow comprehensive programming
A major strength of the new analysis is that you may read and save datafiles in csv, dta (stata), epz and epx format directly. You may also read the classic rec files. All executed commands are saved in a pgm file defined by the user. Reading, editing and saving now supports encrypted data, user logged data and files containing related datasets .
We know of some issues and bugs in the software released today, but decided to release at this point, since we need more input to remove all bugs at the detailed level. We have almost 300 validation tests and only one special error. Comparison with standard estimates show precision with difference from correct result at -2.06197786709744*E-12 . This is a very promising precision. Examples of known issues are that cycle is not corrected after modifying data, or errors in special types of "for ....to..." loops.
If problems arise please report to this list. But make sure you WORK on COPIES OF DATA.
Commands and statements added recently : * "append" and "merge" handles related datasets * "check" command with 4 sub commands: data, key, relate or study (document data content, e.g. "check key id visitdate" will tell if there is a unique key for id+visitdate) * "reorder" variables command * "reset" command * read and save files with extended login and user protection defined. * drop data , including remove records marked for deletion * control of fonts, including ability to set your own default by saving to "startup.pgm" * "set" options added recently: - EDITOR and OUTPUT FONT + SIZE: to adjust fonts and size - OUTPUT VIEWER: controls what type of output is generated. text or html is supported - INCLUDE DELETED: controls if records marked for deletion is part of the dataset - SET FORMAT VARIABLE LABEL and - SET FORMAT VALUELABEL: controls default option for value / variable text
Many other issues managed: * enhanced and informative feedback in more situations (more indirect help) * run commands in "startup.pgm" on initiation of the program. (Placed in same folder) * Dragging files (data or .pgm) onto the program either opens the file or executes the .pgm * Variables can now be expanded using modifiers like "*", "?" or "-" , e.g. list variables v* * Extended editor with more functionality * F1....F12 function keys work as in Classic EpiData Analysis (except F2)
Please test and challenge function.
Jens Lauritsen and Torsten Christiansen EpiData Association Denmark