The reported problems in relation to b126 have all been solved.
In addition the following changes have been implemented:
dotplot : Now dots are symmetrical for each group
command prompt: At initiation the command prompt is empty (was "read" before". For users wishing to get the "read" command without using a mouse the shortest way is by pressing F4 (goto command prompt) followed by "Up-Arrow" (shows the "read" command), followed by "Enter" (open file dialog).
documentation: clarified. Still some of the extended help files could have v1.0 description of options etc.
The download page now shows build and version next to the page, as well as there is also a zip file available containing the setup file.
Thanks for reporting the problems.
Part of the problem of the /SD etc discussed was, that the release build and a former test build had the same build number (b126) (by error), such that users could think they were having the same version, but actually did not.
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association