Dear epidata
I would like to set up a database for a clinic. The 4 rec files are history, visit, bloodresults and treatment. The clinicnr of the patient is the unique id that I would like to carry over between these rec files. Secondly the number of records for visits/bloodresults/treatment for each patient with a specific clinicnr can be more than one over time. However history only has to be completed once (can be mother file?).
When creating a relational database am I right if I say that I cannot keep clinicnr as the unique nr in every rec file as that will only allow ONE record with that clinicnr and I need to be able to do multiple records eg for visits on that one clinicnr. The House.rec etc example does not really help me with this as the visit rec file is the last rec file. I have 3 "children files" following one after another.
Please help with the check files to relate these 4 files whilst keeping clinicnr as the unique id but allowing multiple records per clinicnr.
Prof Paul Rheeder
Division of Clinical Epidemiology
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Pretoria
PO Box 667
Pretoria 0001
Tel 27 12 354 1488
Fax 27 12 354 1489