Regarding Jamie 2nd option (see below), one thing we have to be aware is the problem of file size that the Epidat Editor can manage. If i am not wrong there is a limitation on that side. So check if that limitations is going to be a problem when entering your comments.
- Capture the text using the data notes capability. Just hit <F5> when
in a field and EpiData opens the Notes screen. You can type all you want in here. EpiData puts in the record number, field name and current field contents, so you may want to add to a BEFORE ENTRY block for this field:
BEFORE ENTRY WRITENOTE "Notes for patient @patidnum, visit number @visitnum" END
This a very powerful feature of EpiData that is missing from most other software. You don't have any means of manipulating the data, but they are captured and can be reviewed and edited in any text/word processor.
Pedro Arias