6 Jan
6 Jan
10:42 a.m.
Greetings. Happy New Year!
I am starting to use EpiData & Analysis and I think you are doing a nice job.
I have not tried to access a printer directly in a .PGM as yet. I like very much the ability of Epi6 to allow me to program For users the destination of output e.g. screen, printer or to a file.
I haven't seen any examples yet but in case there are none this Has always been important to site managers in the developing settings.
I was doing FREQ and TABLES a moment ago and had the following result.
FREQ AGE worked just fine
TABLES AGE SEX (age sex are numeric) resulted in AGE listed as 1 10 11 Etc. To 19 2 20 21 22 Ect. To 29 3 30 31
I think this needs to be fixed. Or, what have I done wrong?
Thank you and keep up the good work.