Dear friends: I was working with Epidata Analysis module. I guess I did solve the problems. The first was with dates - the year format was abreviated in the original data. I used these data in training students and it was common to use them with Epi Info for DOS analysis where it worked fine. The problem was solved when I did correct the date to yyyy format. The second problem I do not understand. I was working with fields named weight and height and trying to calculate IMC. The return I did obtain was that the data did not match or that weight was inadequate. I transformed both fieds to portuguese using the following sintaxe: Define peso ##.## Peso = weight Define altura ###.## altura = height Then IMC formula worked properly. I am including the files as attatchment to this e-mail including the pgm file. The problem ocurred in my notebook, my desktop and in the desktops of the students at the laboratory (with windows XP and windows 98, respectivelly). I tried again just before sending this e-mail with the old file againl and it worked propperly. Sorry for the inconvenience. Sincerelly Gerson Zanetta de Lima
----- Original Message ----- From: epidata-list-request@lists.umanitoba.ca To: epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2006 2:00 PM Subject: EpiData-list Digest, Vol 35, Issue 12
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