Two suggestions. 1. For Windows and Linux, a startup parameter to reset the screen position would be useful. It’s possible with Mac, but a bit problematic for many to use the command line. 2. My preferred: define a key combination that resets the screen position to some default, like mid-screen, as you suggest, Jens. This would work on all platforms. Something like <shift><ctrl>W?
In a recent course 3 of 5 pc's all with the full suite installed showed a strange behaviour of EntryClient and Manager. The exe apparently started and was running, but not to be found on the screen. I suspected a wrong position failure, but could not access the place where the ini file is placed.
What we did then was to copy only the exe file to another folder, eg a subfolder of the desktop. And then it worked. I am annoyed by not knowing the mechanism behind. The analysis did not show the same problem.
We will discuss in the core group what to do. Maybe a completely different dll and place of ini on startup could be a solution to implement and test in the coming release.
How important is it for users that we have user defined place on screen at startup. If we had a default startup in the middle of the screen some problems would be avoided. E.g. when you sometimes use two external screens and forget to move to screen 1 on a laptop .
Any idea or consideration is welcomed.
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association, Denmark Coordinator & initiator of the EpiData Project