Hello, I have two questions and I want to understand the design "EpiData Manager".
- I have three variables: "Date of birth mother" (date) "Date of delivery" (date) "Age (the mother in childbirth)" (numeric). In the "Edit/Calculate" of "Age" variable, I do not find the variable "Age". But I find the calculation of "Age" in the "Edit/Calculate" of "Date of birth mother" and "Date of delivery". It is anti-educational and very intriguing for me.
- In the "Edit/Calculate", I cannot find time difference, but fractions of a day. Is this expected ? Otherwise why not put a program each variable like in "Check" in the old "Epidata Entry"?
In the current state, for during my very frequent EpiData lessons, I do not recommend new programs and I keep the old EpiData Entry.... Sorry Best regards.
Bernard BRANGER, Nantes, France