3 Jul
3 Jul
9:33 p.m.
Dear Jamie:
To find anything on Mac OS and what you said in that respect, I thus type into Google:
jamie+mac site:lists.umanitoba.ca
and what I get is neat, thank you, excellent solutionb
On 03-Jul-15 14:46, EpiData development and support wrote:
You can use google to search the archives. For example, to search for “managerâ€, google this:
manager site:lists.umanitoba.ca
This is the method proposed by the developers of the mailman software. These searches seem to return only results from the epidata-list archives.
Hans L Rieder, MD, MPH
Jetzikofenstr 12
3038 Kirchlindach
Tel: +41 31 829 4577
Mob: +41 79 321 9122
Skype: hansleonhardrieder
Web: http://www.tbrieder.org