Dear All
I begun testing how I could automate some routines (data export mainly) using EpiC. I searched around on the website for instructions on how to install and use EpiC. I am not a programmer to start of with, but in the EpiC.PDF document it states the ff : "EpiC is a utility for some of the functions and tools in EpiData. EpiC can be run from a command prompt or from a command (or batch) file, making it possible to automate repetitive tasks". So I wondered how to invoke the command prompt in Windows?? (cmd in run). I finally managed to solve this like so: ****************** 11:41 AM 12/6/2008 EPiC installation:
1.Download the EpiC.ZIP file from Epidata.dk 2. Unzip to EpiC folder using unzip program (7-zip) 3. Open EpiC folder and find 2 files in it: EpiC.exe and EPiC.pdf 4. Copy EpiC.exe into the Windows system32 folder (you will need admin
previlages for this): VISTA: C:\Windows\System32 XP: C:\Windows\System32
Now in the same folder as the .REC file was created/stored, create a new
.TXT file (call it export_epic_commands.txt). In this file write the EpiC
commands. E.g. to automate export to SAS (see other commands in EpiC.PDF
epic e sas inputfile.rec outputfile *
Once the commands are typed into the TXT file, save it, and then rename the
extension to CMD, like so export_epic_commands.cmd.
This is now executable by double-clicking it.
Once executed 3 (you will see a black screen flash a couple of time--very
fast!) additional files will be created in the same folder where the .REC
file was: outputfile.sas and outputfile.txt and EpiC.log (this file has all
the commands executed and error messages--be sure to check it; compare with
codes provided in the EpiC.PDF file)
************************ Please let me know if I have overlooked anything or it is not necessary to copy paste EpiC.exe in the system folder (seems odd to be be doing this, as sometimes admin previlages are not availabe?
S Kauchali UKZN South Africa