Priority of developments
The current sequence of developments until the first production release contains these elements.
1. Release of test version of EpiData Analysis, which can read EXP files (possibly EXZ) - expected this week.
2. "show structure" form to Manager
3. Control structures level 1 (value labels, range)
--- test release
4. Multi language in forms and labels
5. Control structures level 2 (mustenter, jumps, "type comment")
6. Control structures level 3 (define unique key and search in data)
--- test release
7. Solve known deficiences (from Flyspray and list) - e.g. idnum fields
8. Printing of dataforms in EntryClient
--- test release
9. Enhancements for production of fast datasets, e.g. copy from question banks
10. Further developments, e.g. GCP (Good Clinical Practice Principles).
Please discuss on this list at what level of function You find first release should be made - provided obviously at that level the function as such is stable. My current decision is after point 8.
It would also be good to get statements during the coming months of which decisions you make locally on the conversion to the new principles - e.g. you are ready to use it at that moment, or you find the current EpiData Entry better for your purpose, or you decided to start using other software and the reasons for that.
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association Denmark