Dear all
As some have already noticed we have uploaded new versions of EpiData Manager, EntryClient and Analysis for public use. The downloads are placed on the general download page: http://www.epidata.dk/download.php
During the coming week more specific information will be given regarding changes and revised introduction documents. In practice the uploaded files are the same as those until now available in the testing section.
If you are currently using the previous public download (earlier than version 1.5) please make sure before shifting that you test the function on a copy of your data and ensure everything is working out correctly.This is always a good idea when new software versions are released.
I wish to recognize the hard work done by Torsten Christiansen for making the public versions ready with all of the functionality now implemented. I would estimate that for single file projects the released version will accomodate about 90% of the uses I have seen with EpiData Entry 3.1 .
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association Denmark.
As always with the software please comment on this list and should you find bugs or inconsistencies please do report to the bug reporting system, which has a link on the testing page.