Manager and Entry should not even run on macOS Catalina, as they are 32-bit apps.
There are compatible test versions of Manager and Entry, which should be fine for your students. They will also run on your Mac, so you can check them out. The test versions are distributed as .zip files and the contents can be used to replace the standard version.
They are available on the EpiData site at epidata.dk/testing.php http://epidata.dk/testing.php
The test version for Manager and Entry is
On Jun 22, 2021, at 09:08, EpiData development and support epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
The students have their own MACs and it is only a problem with those using Catalina. We are using the latyst version of the apps as found in the links on the website: *Manager* *v4.6.0.4* *EntryClient* *v4.6.0.2 (We are not using the analysis module, they use Stata for analysis)* Much appears on the internet about this but it seems old and I was wondering if there is something new. At the moment I am just telling them to borrow someone else's computer for these sessions. They are not very pleased with me. I am an Apple Mac user but am using an older version of the OS and so I did not anticipate this problem.