I have a questionnaire entered in Epi Data 3.0 and want to analyze it in Epi Info 3.2.2. When I bring in my data I lose all the value-lables that I had defined using the command "label-block" in Epi Data. I want to know what to do to keep these labels. Sylvie Delcroix, France
Epi Info for windows from CDC does not use labels. This is part of the reason I started EpiData, because in analysis the labels are crucial as documentation.
If you want to use the labels in analysis you will have to use EpiData Analysis which is getting closer to release. If your analysis is general crosstables, descriptive statistics and graphs the test version available at http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php will do the work for you.
You could decide the strategy: 1. Do the basic analysis you have to do anyway with EpiData Analysis. 2. If you need to do further advanced analysis do the rest in Epi Info for windows (or other software)
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association