Hi Keith:
Two weeks ago, we have successfully given a 2-day course for MPH / PhD students, using the most recent public release versions:
EpiData Manager Program Version: r1184 EpiData Entry Client Program Version: r481
If you are interested, you find the course module at www.tbrieder.org (EpiData course, Part A).
Best regards,
On 04-Aug-15 12:15, EpiData development and support wrote:
Hello there
I am thinking of giving an introduction to the new EpiData manager/client to our 2015/16 intake of MSc Epidemiology students. The teaching would take the form of a three-hour practical in which they would design a simple data-entry form, carry out double-entry comparison and export some data to Stata. Which is the current stable version of both client and manager that I could make available to the students over our network?
Please let me know if you have any questions about this request.
Many thanks
Keith Tomlin