Today new versions have been released today with bug-fixes and minor additions. .
Our strategy just now is to release bug-fixes, such that we can focus on development of logging and dataprotection.
The EntryClient release today adds the F5 "copy field" with a user format. e.g.: %gd %gn %gf %gp %q,%d,%v%n will now add "global" information such as date and dataform name, see: http://www.epidata.info/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=documentation:clipboardformat Such one can now copy as well current field and whole record to clipboard.
For Manager: Texts to describe exports have been added and also a new mechanism to work with dataforms with very many fields and labels. It seems that in practice one should keep number of fields on a given form below 200. More than that will work but with longer load times for the files.
A complete list of changes is always shown on the download page in one of these links: http://epidata.dk/epidatamanager.changelog.txt http://epidata.dk/epidataentryclient.changelog.txt . Please inform the list of any non-solved problems or report to the database here: http://www.epidata.info/flyspray
As always if you find problems and report to the list include version information, which you easily copy to a mail from the help menu "copy version info"
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association