Was just about to send you the epx.. let me start again following your steps as outlined above exactly. If I don't succeed then I will send you the epx as you had requested in the previous email. I made sure to download the latest version but wondering if that could be the problem. I somehow didn't download it right? Will write back shortly. Edna
On Tue, 10 Mar 2020 at 17:02, EpiData development and support < epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca> wrote:
You are on the right track, but are missing a step.
The approach is:
define the admin user
define groups
- you added data entry group, but DON’T give them any rights on that
page (first image). The check boxes are just for the management rights.
define users
- add a new user (name, password) and assign to the data entry group
define entry rights -click on your data entry user(s) and give them person Read, Update,
Create rights on the ‘Current Entry Rights’ tab by clicking in those boxes; you can actually take away entry rights from an admin.
- save the project
On Mar 10, 2020, at 08:19,Edna wrote:
Just following up on my query above.. I thought maybe sharing some screen shots would clarify the problem I am encountering with defining entry rights for a data entry user in epidata manager... So this is how I have set up this particular group and you can see there assigned rights.. Ideally I wouldn't even want them defining, preparing double entry or translating projects but in case the issue was that I was not assigning them any rights at all I give them these limited rights.. [image: image.png] The problem is when I then look at current entry rights below this
of users have none at all in the data form. The only way they get right s is if I make them part of the admin user group which completely defeats
purpose of having a hierarchical user system because then they can do everything the admins can? [image: image.png]
Trying to define Entry rights as shown below does not result in anything happening at all.
[image: image.png] I really like several of the features in the epidata manager and very
to see if we can use it for our study starting in June in Northern
With kind regards, Edna Ogada
EpiData-list mailing list EpiData-list@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/epidata-list