Hello, First good year with a new version of EpiData Analysis. Thank you for your work. I tested some commands from the first test version: - I guess ": =" instead of "=" is because of the Mac or Linux? In any case, it is complicated to teach (less intuitive). Except for the equivalences (like Stata with the "=" and the "==" ... - Same for "!" instead "/" ? - Please use both upper and lower case for commands and variable names - After the "freq" command, the percentages are written in the vertical form and should be followed by "! c" instead of "! r" - Some personal demands for pedagogical purposes: = The "means"! t "command should show the result of the" t "test in case of two averages, and the result of ANOVA in case of more than two averages. I know that que le "F" est the square of the "t" for comparison of two averages. = Provide a complement to the "regress" command to get the regression line (as in the old Epi-Info "(eg"! Line ") = For the comparison of percentages, in case of insufficient calculated numbers (Ncell <5), do not calculate the chi-square and the "p" of the chi-square, and present the Fisher test for two percentages (the software "R" also presents the Fisher test for more than two percentages). Good luck. Thank you to excuse my bad english....
Bernard BRANGER 11 bis, rue Gabriel LUNEAU 44000 NANTES FRANCE Mobile 33 (0)6 32 70 33 80 Courriel : branger-bono@wanadoo.fr