This just keeps looking better. Below are results of testing today. Jamie
On 2010-09-16, aTorsten wrote:
A new version of the programs EpiData Manager and EpiData Entry Client have been release for public testing.
EpiData Manager Program Version: 0.5.5 Core version: 0.5 Revision: 181 FPC Version: 2.4.0 Platform: i386-Darwin Filename: /Users/charlesknightsbridge/Data/Test Data Manager/ics.epx XML Version: 0 Field count: 127 Record count: 164 ----- + = correct behaviour - = problem Imported .rec with boolean fields. - click on a heading selects the entire section rather than the heading; right-click also selects the section - headings on the first screen, and sometimes the first heading after scrolling down part of a page, can be selected - it does not matter whether the small information box for the heading is displayed But + click on a field, press <enter> to edit is OK + tab to a heading, press <enter> and the heading can be edited OK
- Booleans now appear in .epx as "Y" and "N", but Field type=0 still causes Entry Client to crash I suggest that Booleans be converted to numeric, length 1 with rule (0,N--> 0)(1,Y--> 1). This allows option of adding codes later, but initial "check" code should allow only 0,1
Imported .rec with headings to the right of most fields. + Resulting project looks good and field names are correct. + Two fields on a single line are also this way in the project (excellent!) - interesting that first column of entry boxes lines up, but second does not; they appear as two columns in EpiData Entry
Imported .qes version of the same file + Project looks good - "First word" not functioning yet, so Vnn field names are inserted (as reported by Hans)
Created a new project + new fields go in as expect Typed "`" by mistake in field length for an integer. + Manager displayed error box (invalid integer) - but options were OK-risk corruption or Kill program. It would be nice to have the option of correcting the problem - when I clicked OK and fixed the length to 1, field appeared without name/description at (0,0). I could edit it, but not display the name/description - when I moved the field (still always a bad thing to do on the MAC), hit <enter>, I got another fatal error + However, when I save the project, close Manager, open Manager, open the project, it is OK (new rule for me - click on OK (risk corruption), save project, exit, start again)
EpiData Entry Client Program Version: 0.1.1 Core version: 0.5 Revision: 46 FPC Version: 2.4.0 Platform: i386-Darwin Filename: /Users/charlesknightsbridge/Data/Test Data Manager/ics01.epx XML Version: 0 Field count: 127 Record count: 165
Edited the .epx with Booleans [Type=0, Y/N] to convert Booleans to Integer [Type=1, 1/0] + file looks great in Entry client; behaviour as expected - will * and del buttons work in next test release?
Loaded version of file with two columns + all behaviour as expected + autojump in the correct order