I sent past message related to "field definition error in line
640" message. I tried to retype the QES form. So each five questions, I switched the QES file into REC file and did "checks" for it. I kept doing the same procedure, and I passed the line 640.
We should know more about the contents of the qes file to answer, e.g.: 1. How many lines in total 2. Hovw many fields are you planning 3. Are you using the "first word" or automatic options for creation of fields. 4. which build and version of EpiData 5. Have you tried also with the v3.1 release candidate ? 6. Does preview of the same file work
If you have as many fields as you indicate the error is either because you have more than 1000 lines in the qes file (which v3.1. will issue a warning for) or the automatic numbering of fields with similar names ran out of possible combinations.
Happy new year to everyone
Jens Lauritsen