Dear EpiData list.
A new version of the programs EpiData Manager and EpiData Entry Client have been release for public testing.
The program can be found in a bundled package on the testing page of EpiData website: http://epidata.dk/testing.php
Changes with the new version:
* On certain OS's and regional settings, the program could create datafiles (*.epx) that could not be read again. This has been fixed such programs should support local settings for decimal-, date- and time separators, while still being able to work cross-platform. * In the Entry Client "autojump on filled field" has been implemented. * Both Entry Client and Manager have a "Copy Version Info" menu item, that will copy the most needed details about program version and possibly open project to the clipboard. This information is very often vital for locating problems within a program and should be sent with when reporting error to us.
Kind regards Torsten Bonde Christiansen EpiData Association.