I prefer the current method as there is no doubt about what the syntax means (lower values in top left unless you specify /SD) and the /SD switch provides a means of inverting the order. Many people code variables as 1=Yes 2=No, which gives a proper RR without the /SD switch. Many others use 0=No 1=Yes, which requires /SD. Since EpiData internally treats Booleans False as 0 and True as 1, the current approach allows programming that does not require exceptions. User help and guides should point this out. The TAB output clearly identifies the meaning of the RR, which is something a number of us requested. This is something that came into later versions of EpiInfo to help the user avoid misunderstanding.
So no need for EPITABLE - just use TAB OUTCOME EXPOSURE /RR /SD
My question is: Should EPiData follow the general rule of displaying YY in the too left cell?. (and therefore calculating the RR that usually we are interested in)
Jens has a point saying that if we change that when we are not interested in RR but only in the numbers and %, most of the program follow the rule of sorting the values in ascending order and that if we want to follow this rule we will need an EPITABLE command (in version 2 he is trying to get ride of innecesary commands). I think we alreday have the EPITABLE command, it is TABLES V1 V2 /RR