Perhaps the list is not the place for an extended discussion of desired functionality, now that the request has been made. I would follow Jens' logic for this data because it seems to fit best with the way the questions should be asked. We readers don't have the full context of the questionnaire, however.
Since the creation of EpiData, a number of people like myself have encouraged, and occasionally found funding for, further development. I would like to think that I have had considerable influence on the development so far. The end goal is open source, but this is not practical until most of the design principles are established and coded. The volunteer effort required to maintain an open source model is far greater than is currently available for the work being done. But this will happen.
On 2012-05-30, Theodore wrote:
Then again if you had opensourced your code there would not be such a discussion, because anyone who cared could implement the "skip and fill" functionality (or any functionality for that matter) and maybe contribute it back to epidata.