28 Oct
28 Oct
12:06 p.m.
Yesterday I was working on a questionnaire (over 300 variables) and at an advanced stage, got this message "Access violation at address 0048AC7 in module Epidata.exe. Read of address 00000000". I lost the whole work after it will not allow me to save. I started anew but this time I backed up the chk file at different stages of the developmeent of code (has a lot of skip patterns and replace of values in all places which have been skipped). The problem has appeared occurred agian and naturally have lost the code I was building from this afternoon. Has this happened to anyone before and if so how did you resolve it?
Thanks in advance
Martin Alhassan Adjuik
Statistician (INESS)
INDEPTH Network Secretariat
Office : +233 (0) 21 521670
Cell : +233 (0) 243714441