Build 16 of analysis has been uploaded.
Added or modified update shows which values are changed with if statements. if started with a pgm file, that file will be executed. internal representation of float variable changed from double to extended
Testsystem improved (e.g. try startnist.pgm)
Bug removal and modification: String variables of length 1 are saved correctly negative values in result variables fixed lre() function corrected for negative values Calculation of 10,25,75 and 90 percentiles corrected recode function corrected to include limits btw. groups Various interface problems Adapted Commands.htm and Howto.htm file.
Download from Http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php
Remaining issues before release as v1 are:
Implementing a system to handle incorrect data when reading (e.g. years like 0203) Some aspects of reading dbf files - report errors. Table command - simplifying output for stratified tables Printing can be a problem accross printers - report problems. Defining Boolean variables impossible (<Y>) due to interference with html language, use integer instead.
But for many standard types of analysis and basic graphs it works quite well.
Jens Lauritsen Coordinator and initiator of EpiData EpiData Association, Odense, Denmark