Dear Katie,
Please do the following: 1. Goto File -> Options -> Choose tab titled "Create Data File" and Select the redio button "Automatic Field Names" 2. Make your .QES file with appropriate labels Like
Variable One is Auto ID: <AutoID> Two is Text: <AAAAAAAAAAAAA> And So on and on: ###.##
3. Once you are satisfied with the alignmen and all, mark the variable names with braces within the labels, without changing anything in the resulting alignment alignment like:
{Var}iable One is Auto {ID}: <AutoID> {T}wo is {T}ext: <AAAAAAAAAAAAA> And {So on} and on: ###.##
4. Save the .QES file, go to "make data file" and follow through. The names would be "varid", "tt" and "soon". Any further changes will not affect the names so long as the text withing braces stays the same.
Good Luck