On 2011-02-13 08:55,epidata-list at lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/epidata-list wrote:
/ Hi, I have struggled with a problem that:
/>/ When I use the double entry real time verification, I can only do the />/ verification on the first record, When I entering a second record, the />/ verification is Disabled. /Obviously this was not a pleasant experience for you. But the struggling tells that you tried various ways - which is always a good thing. Unfortunately there are not many things in project work and research which works in a simple way - at least not the first time one tries.
Thanks for your reply and a warn encouragement.
Only for files with a unique identifier that you YOURSELF enter during the entry - and provided this field have the "Key unique" setup will the verify during entry work. It is obvious that if there is no unique key - then the software will have no way of knowing which record from the first entry to compare with. Your logic of using "autosearch" is fine in general, but is too complex in the double entry situation.
Here are my considerations (sorry if I not fully understand your statement as my English is not quite good:-) )
Generally, there are two kind of "double check": 1, we entered two rec files separately and independently, then use the Menu->document->Validate duplicate files, this checking is "off-line mode".
2, I entered one rec file, and cread a _dbl.rec file by Menu->Tools->Prepare double entry verification. Then just opened the _dbl.rec file, and entering records, so this is "double entry verification in real time mode".
So, when I want to do "double entry in real time", I must: 1, use Key unique feature on some/one field 2, do not use "autosearch" right?
As such I do not know of any bugs in relation to double entry and verification, but some requirements/limitations (possibly not well documented) are needed:
A. If you use<idnum> fields in your system then: make a copy (copy structure in tools menu) of your system and INDEPENDENTLY enter data the second time. Following the second entry do the validation in the documentation menu. B. If you use a combined key for your "unique identifier": e.g. mykey = idnum+var1+var2 or mykey = string(idnum) + string(var1) + string(var2) then do as in point A C. If you are using a related file system then do as in point A D. based on your experience we can add : If using autosearch then do as in point A
The method A,B,C,D you give is all about the way in "off-line mode", right? I'd like to say that: I prefer "double entry in real time mode", as I think it is much convenient to do the verification while entering.
Zhang Yuanhui China