Dear Jens,I have tested the recent experimental versionEpidataAnalysis0.9.1.5. (Windows version)GOOD PREGRESS -Colour commands for output and command lineis welcome addition. Please add similar commands for Editor also.As mentioned earlier, EpidataAnalysis0.9.1.5. is really fast. It canread files with more than 1,00,000 records easily.ISSUES REQUIRING ATTENTION -MERGE Command was tetsed with following PGM.Patient and visit epx files were used from course of https://tbrieder.org/epidata/epidata.html//TRY.PGMcd "D:\EpidataAnalysis0.9.1.5\EX";close;read "D:\EpidataAnalysis0.9.1.5\EX\d_ex01_visit.epx";merge idpat !fn := "d_ex01_patient" !table;save "combined10.epx" !replace;close;read "combined10.epx"; When this PGM is run it gets stuck at Merge Command. Following outputis obtained..cd "D:\EpidataAnalysis0.9.1.5\EX";D:\EpidataAnalysis0.9.1.5\EX.close;Project Closed!.read "D:\EpidataAnalysis0.9.1.5\EX\d_ex01_visit.epx";Loaded file: D:\EpidataAnalysis0.9.1.5\EX\d_ex01_visit.epxCycle: 10 Datasets: 1 Modified: 10-11-2016 21:34:21.merge idpat !fn := "d_ex01_patient" !table;ERROR: Unable to open the file: D:\EpidataAnalysis0.9.1.5\EX\d_ex01_patientFile is corrupt or does not exist.Unable to open file "D:\EpidataAnalysis0.9.1.5\EX\d_ex01_patient"ERROR: Error loading file:Same problem I was facing with my relational database files.Hence this command needs revision..........................When rec file is read in this software, the variables and data entered do not tally.Conversion from rec file to epx file results in variable with actual data appearingunder other variables..........................Since there is no check file, Hans suggested following commandedit var sex !valuelabel := label_sex !label := "Examinee's sex";This command (edit) is also not working.It is hard work to write such software. Surely these issues will be addressedin future releases. Keep it up.I wish you and epidata team all success and happy new year 2018.With regards,Dr. Shavinder