On 2011-07-06, David wrote:
One idea that has been rolling around the back of my head is using the epidata XML file to create a web-based data entry system, e.g. converting the logic contained in the XML file to PHP or other code, creating a mysql database and importing the data into mysql. Then also exporting it all again back to an epidata XML file. Potentially epidata could then be used as a quick and easy way to create a web-based data entry system. Perhaps something to think about around version 2.0 (i.e. not right now).
For typical multi-user / multi-centre data entry, users are only presented with the data entry screen - no need for them to see the whole file, just enter one record at a time (e.g. as is done with survey instruments like SurveyMonkey). This would be a relatively simple task for AJAX/jQuery to post records to a server, based on the .epx file.
I think providing multiple users with web access to the full .epx database is not something to contemplate for EpiData. As you say, EpiData could be the tool to develop the mysql. But many times we have wanted a simple way to get data input from many centres There are lots of solutions, including one or two suggested on the list. I agree with Jens that this isn't the place to discuss them.