Dear all
The following changes have been made since last test version,
Find the updated versions for further testing at: http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php See former mail with major changes here: http://lists.umanitoba.ca/pipermail/epidata-list/2013q1/002244.html
For Manager and EntryClient: * Fixed a number of bugs, e.g. in report "index out of bounds" * fixed a number of visual issues, e.g. on MAC in conflict with top menu bar * fixed or adapted various texts and warnings * Changed default sizes for headings. * Changed layout of statusbar. * Added extra user warning when closing project/program with unsaved project. * changed toolbar to include "recent files"
Manager: * Added hint text on Jump values - Notice that now "*" means jump on any other value than what was specified e.g. 5 jump to v5 all other to v8: use 5 first and then * (the hint says ., but it is *) * New report which is the start of a CodeBook.
EntryClient: * Added: picklist now reponds to keyboard even when focus is on either list boxes. * Added: Calculations now also checks for missingvalues. If any of field in a calculation is missing then no value is returned. Can be used to set a default value in a calculated field. * Added: Implemented use of MustEnter colour -> added to settings. * Changed behaviour of validation for field, when assigned range and/or valuelabel.
If all goes well these versions will replace current public download before middle of April. Before that we need to also update documentation and introduction documents, including all the new features.
Jens Lauritsen Torsten Christiansen EpiData Association Denmark