A new step in development of EpiData Software has been reached now.
Therefore we have placed for generel testing pre-release version four copies of EpiData EntryClient EpiData Manager on the testing page of EpiData: http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php
Since the versions are for testing only, please DO NOT use for any production data. The files have passed our internal testing routines, but are not ready for general use yet, Following the external tests all of you contribute and subsequent changes we expect to release the version 4 for production in mid January.
The new aspects are: a. Addition of a memo variable type (more than one line in texts) b. A new statusbar - which can be configured by the user, including adding names of variables from all forms c. A unified naming structure, which will be used in all coming software d. Addition of definition of user roles in projects. That is one can allow some users to define structure or change texts and others can only do entry.
If you download the zipped files from you will find instructions on the new user role definitions in a pdf file.
We have decided to call this updated version number 4 to avoid confusion with EpiData Classic which then will be the only v3.1 . Some of the documentation refers to v2.2, but disregard such comments.
Best wishes Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association, Odense, Denmark