Dear all
Yesterday we moved the "pre-release" version announced on December 31st 2019 to the official public download page. You may review the changes in the announcement on that day.
So from now please install and use the updated versions. Some important errors have been identified in previous versions of EntryClient, so you should update.
You may always test which version you have in the help menu "check version online". EpiData Analysis: EpiData EntryClient: EpiData Manager:
You might have to contact a central IT office if there are restrictions on installation and use of software. E.g. in our hospital I have to install from a local network drive while having a local administrator right for 30 minutes.
We have not had any major issues reported - but a few minor aspects were identified in-house and fixed. E.g. A lacking !label abbreviation in a command and a change when importing csv files (string variables identified shorter than about 70 characters will now be string and not memo).
Four observations that you should know of: 1 In analysis the command keys have been changed a bit. Check the "window" menu and notice that in the editor "ctrl+a" will run all commands and "ctrl+d" will execute the current command or a block if you have selected a block of commands.
2 If in new analysis you wish to create a memo or upper variable these are found as options to the "new variable" command as options (!memo !Upper): e.g. new variable txt string !memo.
3 If you are creating password protection in Analysis, this is done at the project level, not at the variable or dataset level. An example of this is shown below.
4 Currently I am doing many SPC (Statistical Process Control) graphs in my work at the hospital for hip fracture patient quality assurance. The way this is done is that we extract from the main hospital registration system a number of variables for all hip fracture patients. This is saved once a day on a central server as a csv file. Then I import this file with the new analysis and save it for table analysis in new analysis with many variables including time and memo variables (analysisNew.epx). But when I need to do the SPC graphs in Classic Analysis the epx file is not read, since Classic Analysis cannot read this type of variable. The remedy is to save a separate epx file (analysisClassic.epx) and use that for the graphs. Then I can just copy the graphs to a common folder and an html file shows the current results.
The principle is an extension of a system developed with Norwegian Colleagues recording data for local municipal reporting from health centers (Thanks Vegard Högli).
best wishes to all
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association Denmark
new p !l:="test project" !size:=100; New project created: test project .... (output omitted - project with 1 dataset and 100 observations created)
// to add a password encryption on all data: edit p !pw:="test"; // to verify this : list p; (output omitted - exect for info on "encryption"): Project Encryption: simple password (data only);
// to remove a password: edit p !pw:=""; list p; (output omitted - exect for info on "encryption"): Project Encryption: none