Regarding the latest public release: _Manager_ *v2.0.0.25* _EntryClient_ *v2.0.0.10*
During classes today (35 participants) for 5 hours I noticed very few problems aside from the following:
1 Users should be very much aware that they are NOT starting the software from within zip archives. Windows hides the actual folder type - unless you are aware of this.
2 EpiData Analysis: Some users had NOT installed the latest EpiData Analysis and could therefore not read the epx files created. Remedy: Check that you have V2.2 Rel. 2 (Build 183 ) (see caption).
3 In Manager: Ctrl+Z will NOT restore a deletion of a field - only moving the field to another position.
4 In Windows-8: Strange behaviour for three users having installed the software twice. They were not sure if they had taken the 64 or 32 bit versions. One pc in particular gave problems: After removing the installed versions and installing the 32 bit version, function was restored without problems.
4 A few bugs: a. If you select more than 2 project files for "double entry validation" - and then unselect files. Then the test of comparing the two files is NOT done.
Remedy: Deselect all files and just mark two of them for comparison. Then it works.
b. On Machintosh: Sometimes an entry field could be outside the "visible dataform" in EntryClient - and users could then not access that field
c. On one particular pc with Windows 8 the EntryClient confused period and comma during entry in a float field, rejecting saving of a given record. Upon "save of record" the program crashed. Problem was solved after removal of software and fresh install from EpiData website .
Please report problems and function as done previously. In particular on issues above.
Following end of the classes (mid March) I will attempt to release all exercises for download from the website.
Jens Lauritsen Initiator and Coordinator EpiData Association Denmark.